
This is our first core value as a ministry. We are an XA family, and we want everyone to feel welcomed and valued. We love BIG, honor others, protect unity, and invite others in.


Step 1: Prep

Grab a notebook, pen and an open heart to learn.

Please read all the instructions before starting as well as taking a moment to pray.

Step 2: Watch the Video

Watch the video Family by Malori Sims. Take notes.


Step 3

Fill in your answers to these questions.


Step 4

Readin Assignment: Out of Solitude (First Meditation: Out of Solitude)

Do these following steps:

  • Invite someone new to every event this week (lifegroup, XA Live, etc.)

  • Get to know the XA family (whether they’re new or they’ve been here for a while). Learn five new names this week. Learn their major and a random fact about their life.

  • Intentionally try to love someone BIG. 

  • Honor someone.  Text them, call them, or see them and express your appreciation.

Discuss with your Life Group leader the answers to your questions and what happened when you did the practical steps.