
One of our three core values in Chi Alpha is “grow,” We choose to intentionally and actively pursue growth in our relationship with the Lord. We do this by building habits of daily reading the Bible and spending time in prayer.


Step 1: Prep

Grab a notebook, pen and an open heart to learn. Please read all the instructions before starting as well as taking a moment to pray.

Step 2: Watch & Listen

Take notes while you are watching videos and listening to podcast.

Grow by Jenni Weiss

The Bible by Leland Weiss

Prayer by Brittany Reynaud


Step 3

Fill in your answers to these questions:


Step 4

Reading Assignment: Out of Solitude (Third Meditation: Expectation)

Do the following things:

  • Read Colossians this next week to gain an understanding of God’s character. 

  • Pick one aspect of the Lord’s prayer to focus on practicing each day this week.

Talk to your life group leader and work together to evaluate or develop an intentional plan for you to grow with Jesus.

Staff Check-In

Step 5

Fill out this short form to set up your Staff Check-in meeting.