Holy Spirit

Many Christians struggle understanding the person and work of the Holy Spirit because He is often the least talked about. But not only is He the Third Person in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), He is also God’s GIFT to His children. The Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead, lives in US! How great is that! The Holy Spirit teaches and equips us to boldly follow after Jesus AND fulfill the Great Commission.


Step 1: Prep

Print out the notes for the teaching. Grab a notebook, pen and an open heart to learn. Please read all the instructions before starting as well as taking a moment to pray.

Step 2: Watch the Video

Watch the video The Holy Spirit by Geoff Mumley.

Step 3: Worksheet in Holy Spirit Notes

In the Holy Spirit Notes, complete the worksheet, which is the third page of the notes. It is asking you to look at the scriptures in Acts that discuss the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Step 3

Fill in your answers to these questions:


Step 4

Read Acts 1 and 2

Discuss with your Life Group leader about where you are in the pursuit of the Holy Spirit.

  • Bring any questions you may have.

Staff Check-In

Step 5

Fill out this short form to set up your Staff Check-in meeting.