Kingdom of God

Jesus talks about it all the time. We need to have an accurate understanding of the Kingdom, so we can live in the fullness God offers.


Step 1: Prep

Grab a notebook, pen and an open heart to learn.

Please read all the instructions before starting as well as taking a moment to pray.

Step 2: Watch the Video

Watch the video the Kingdom of God by Jenni Weiss. Take notes.


Step 3

Fill in your answers to these questions:


Step 4

Read Col 3:5-17

  • Where do you find yourself when you read this list?  Don’t be discouraged, just be honest. 

  • Pray asking God what would be good for you to repent from.

  • Repent (stop and turn away) and prayerfully make a concrete plan to leave this sin behind you.

Discuss with your Life Group leader the answers to your questions. Share with your Life Group leader what you repented from and your concrete plan to help you have accountability.