Next Steps

In the next steps, we are going to explore the biblical mandate to make disciples.  Join us in reading and listening to classic resources as well as modern ones to understand better why we need to make disciples.


Step 1: Prep

Grab a notebook, pen and an open heart to learn.

Please read all the instructions before starting as well as taking a moment to pray.

Step 2: Watch, Listen, & Read

  1. Watch the video Born to Reproduce by Dawson Trotman and take notes.

  2. Watch the video Find, Feed, Fight by Alex Rodriguez and take notes.

  3. Listen to the podcast 6 Wins of a Small Group Leader: The Grit to Keep Going and take notes.

  4. Read the article Faith Discipler vs. Super Evangelist and take notes.

Born to Reproduce by Dawson Trotman

Find, Feed, Fight by Alex Rodriguez starting at 5:31


Step 3

Fill in your answers to these questions:


Step 4

Discuss with your Life Group Leader the answers to your questions and what stood out to you in the class.

Purchase the book Out of Solitude from a staff member.  Read the Forward and Preface.

Staff Check-In

Step 5

Fill out this short form to set up your Staff Check-in meeting.