Repent and Believe

“The time has come,” Jesus said. “The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” What does it mean to repent and believe?  We are going to take an in-depth look into those words.


Step 1: Prep

Grab a notebook, pen and an open heart to learn.

Please read all the instructions before starting as well as taking a moment to pray.

Step 2: Watch the Video

Watch the video, Repent and Believe by Jenni Weiss. Take notes while watching the video to help you remember the main points.


Step 3

Fill in your answers to these questions:


Step 4

Come up with a concrete plan of how to apply something from this class to your life this week. Share your plan and discuss with your Life Group leader what you learned about Repent and Believe.

Staff Check-In

Step 5

Fill out this short form to set up your Staff Check-in meeting.